Swansea & The Gower's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Gower Life Launch At Jamaican Jill’s, Swansea

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Well, what a night it was! Our launch issue of Gower Life Magazine at Jamaican Jill’s Swansea! Thanks to the beautiful Bernie Davies and her crew for hosting us. Thank you to everyone who joined us at, what has to be, Swansea’s most laid back restaurant and bar – a seriously cool place.

Our personal thanks must go to our very own Gower Golden Girl Lucy Gallivan, who worked so hard on the launch issue. Her enthusiasm, creativity and dedication are infectious!

Thomas and Crispin on edit, James on design and artwork, Corey on web and the charming and talented Justin Harris Photography for his amazing photoshoots!

It was lovely to get such positive feedback and we can’t wait to start working on a bigger and even better spring issue.

If you’d like to join us in our Spring 2018 issue, please contact Lucy on 07860 930399. Or email lucy@goodlifepublishing.co.uk

Check out Jamaican Jill’s in the winter 2017 issue of Gower Life.

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