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Lewis Ballard

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It’s spring and change is in the air. There’s happiness in the hedgerows and bird song in the skies. Why let this world of change leave you behind?  You owe it to yourself to open your eyes to new possibilities.

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Sometimes you need a little positivity to give you the courage to make real change. We at Lewis Ballard Accountants have made that change, a shout out to the world to let everyone know we are moving forward, and we’ll happily take you with us.

Ask yourself: Could I do with help from AVN’s Consistently High Standards winners? Could I do with the industry leading minds at the UK’s Most Inspiring Accountants?

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If your answer is yes, then you’ll be happy to hear we’ve recently had a rethink and a refocus too.  We’ve rebranded to look like an award-winning company and we’ve refocussed on Building Brilliant Business in three distinct ways.

If you’re a business owner we’ll focus on helping you Build a Bolder Business. With the most up to date information, guidance and expertise to keep you ahead of competitors. Stand stronger, with confidence to boldly go where other businesses dare not.

Then we’ll focus on you! Running a business makes it difficult to find time to enjoy life. Sometimes business development means more than finding customers, it means finding the structures, team and funds, to Build a Balanced Life today.

And what about tomorrow? Our final focus is on your pay-off for all that hard-work. Whether you’re after a comfortable retirement, or an adrenaline fuelled one, we’ll ensure you nurture your assets and eliminate your debt to Build a Brighter Future.

We’re Artisan Accountants, Builders of Brilliant Businesses, Big Picture Pioneers.

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Innovation isn’t just image though, substance is more than skin deep. So we’re not just talking the talk, we’re also walking the walk. We’re adding value with our new App. It’s Free to download, and perfect for every business owner. Bursting with business aids, up-to-date financial information, calculators and tools like receipt bank and mileage tracker. On top of this it’s a conduit of communication. Linking directly to all our core services – from Xero to our document exchange portal. Easing every interaction, with all our best services right in the palm of your hand. And as Xero Platinum partners, we’re not only ready for digital changes, we’re helping clients be ready too.

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Something else is coming too. Something exciting. Something invaluable.

4sight – our new Business Accelerator. It lets you see the future.

It’s not magic, but it might as well be. Using your key performance indicators, your important financial figures, it sees the outcome of your moves before you make them. Forewarned is forearmed, and with 4sight you can see your future, change your future, and choose a better one. With 4sight you’ll dodge business disasters and pounce on opportunities before competitors even see them.

Lewis Ballard is making sure that in 2018 business catches up, not only with the world now, but with the world in the future. Isn’t it time you made a positive change too? Ring us today for a Free 1-hour Business Momentum session and we’ll get you started.

Lewis Ballard Accountants
Celtic House, Caxton Place
Pentwyn, Cardiff CF23 8HA

Opening Hours
9:00am to 5:00pm

02920 735502

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