Swansea & The Gower's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Daz English: The Journey Of A Musician

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Shortly before appearing at our very own Premier Club event, Gower Life spoke to Daz English about the journey that led to his career.

“My love for music goes back as far as I can recall. My dad had always played in bands and, as I was growing up, I remember always watching him play. Then, when I was about 9, he began teaching me how to play the guitar.

At the age of 10 I owned my first acoustic guitar, an instrument I never stopped playing. During school I would experiment with other musicians and, at home, I would play cassette albums of classic guitarists and play over the track, finding this easier than reading straight from the music sheet.

I was in a band until I was 16 where I joined the army. For the six years I was there my guitar came everywhere with me, even to Iraq in 2004 to help keep morale up in my squad.

Returning home from the army led me to a job I disliked that took me away from my passion for music. So after leaving my job I began busking and playing Open Mics across Cardiff. Within a year I had played some wonderful gigs, and a good few festivals. From there my passion now keeps me busy every day.

In addition to personal gigs, I also play at weddings, private parties, pubs, clubs and restaurants. I am also in the process of creating original songs ready for the release of my first EP.”

For bookings, feel free to call or contact via email:

07399 803720

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